to Midi Converted |
Wav2Midi v1.0
You have a WAV file? MuseBook Wav to Midi converts it into MIDI
Just Drag & Drop one or more WAV files on MuseBook
Wav to Midi.
Apply desirable MIDI INSTRUMENT and EFFECTS.
Press CONVERT/PAUSE button.
Files are saved in designated folder automatically.
Wav2Midi sequencially converts and produces the optimized
MIDI files from the original Wave files.

Greater Realism
Nothing's going to change but voice of an instrument.
MuseBook Wav2Midi produces MIDI files emulating the input
Wave files.
- Pitch
Bend : support smooth pitch transition in +/-12 semitones
- Volume
Change : support Volume Expression and Channel Volume.
- Brightness
: change in the timbre of MIDI sound.
- Smart
Onset Detection by volume and/or note transition.
- Great
Time Resolultion per 11 msec.
MuseBook® Wav to Midi v1.0
Audio Demo