GoDigital Media Monetizing Music Without Composer’s Permission

I just want to notify our customers and composers that the GoDigital problem that we took care of with Audiosparx.com (monetizing Youtube videos that contain music legally licensed from Partners In Rhyme) is happening once again with another royalty free music library, this time it is Audiomicro.com.

The problem appears to be effecting us to a much lesser extent than the Audiosparx.com problem but still we currently have about 7 loyal clients that Audiomicro’s actions have impacted very negatively. We are sending the customer complaints to our lawyers so that he can put together a case of “Tortious Interference with Business Relations”.

Partners In Rhyme is very tired of dealing with the customer problems caused by GoDigital Media and the chasing down of Youtube videos to remove false GoDigital claims so we are now blocking all composers who have their music in the Audiomicro.com catalog from any further sales or access to their PIR or musicloops accounts.

We are also no longer accepting any composer submissions from composers who have or have had music entered into the Audiomicro.com database.

It is regretful that GoDigital is promoting the Youtube contentID system as a royalty payment system to royalty free music libraries when it is only a system to monetize *illegal* uses of music, not legal ones.

I deeply apologize to the percentage of our loyal Youtube customers who have come to rely on our music catalog to use in their business promotions and projects but the actions of other companies are completely out of our control.
Also, please rest assured that you do have the legal right to use the music you purchased from Partners In Rhyme and we will do everything we can for our customers that have Youtube videos being illegally monetized by GoDigital to get their false claims removed as quickly as possible.

Mark Lewis
Partners In Rhyme

About admin

My name is Mark Lewis. I own a few popular royalty free content websites. I have been helping musicians distribute their music for over 17 years now and wanted to use this forum to share thoughts and experiences and hopefully spark some discussion in regards to the distribution of royalty free music and royalty free content in general.